Board of Directors


买世界杯app推荐隶属于乔治亚州技术学院系统委员会(State Board)。.  州委员会是一个法律机构,负责为佐治亚州技术学院的管理提供总体政策,如州委员会政策以及乔治亚州官方代码注释(O)所述.C.G.A.). 国家委员会为系统和个别技术学院的管理提供总体政策,以确保公民的需求, business, 以最具成本效益和效率的方式,最大程度地满足工业需求. In accordance with Article I, Section 2 of its bylaws, 州委员会由13个国会选区中每区不少于1名成员和9名一般成员组成,由州长任命并经参议院批准,任期5年. 会员代表商业、工业或经济发展.

For more information:


买世界杯app推荐当地董事会的成员由地区工业和教育官员提名,并由乔治亚州技术学院系统董事会批准. 董事会每月召开一次会议,解释州董事会的政策,并提供补充政策,以确保中央萨凡纳河地区(CSRA)的需求得到满足. 职责包括审查和批准目标和目的, short-range and long-range plans, facilities expansion, program additions and changes, 年度预算,报国务院批准. View the Board of Directors By-Laws for more information.

Mr. Jon Dollan, 一个留着灰白和棕色短发的白种男性,穿着白色领衬衫微笑着, gold tie with white dots, 还有一件灰色背景下的黑色西装外套.
Mr. Jon Dollan
Columbia County


Pat Goodwin, 一头棕色短发,戴着金耳环的白人女性, a cream sweater, and a red cardigan.
Ms. Patricia Goodwin, Chairwoman
Columbia County


Dr. Howie Gunby, 一名非裔美国男子,身穿灰色西装,内搭白领衬衫,系一条灰色和白色相间的红色条纹格子领带.
Dr. Howie Gunby
Lincoln County


Mr. James Heffner, 一位非裔美国男性,身穿灰色西装外套,内搭白领衬衫,系着带金色圆点的红色领带.
Mr. James Heffner
Richmond County
Ms. Katrell Nash, 长着焦糖色长发的非裔美国女性, 穿着灰色背景的粉色西装外套微笑着.

Ms. Katrell Nash
Richmond County


Tammy Shepherd, 戴着金耳环的金发短发白人女性,a silver necklace with a blue stone, a white shirt with blue patterns, and a blue suit jacket.
Mrs. Tammy Shepherd
Columbia County
Mr. Derric Terrentine, an African American male, 他微笑着,穿着浅蓝色的衬衫,打着桔黄色的领带,配上灰色背景下的浅灰色西装外套.
Mr. Derric Terrentine
Columbia County
Mr. Nicholas Wood, a Caucasian male, 微笑着穿着黑色西装和白色纽扣衬衫,打着装饰着白色苹果标志的绿色领带.

Mr. Nicholas Wood, Vice Chairman
McDuffie County

Harold Wright, 穿着灰色西装外套和栗色领衬衫的非裔美国男性, a gold tie with black dots, and glasses.
Mr. Harold Wright
Richmond County
Dr. Jermaine Whirl, 穿着灰色西装外套的非裔美国男性, a light blue collared shirt, black rimmed glasses, and a cerulean blue tie. 他西装外套的翻领上别着一枚金别针.
Dr. Jermaine Whirl, Board Secretary

Board of Directors
2024 Meeting Calendar






January 10, 2024 Board of Directors Augusta Campus 12 noon Agenda - PDF
February 14, 2024 Board Retreat TBD 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM  
March 2024 Committee Meetings TBD TBD  
April 24, 2024 Board of Directors Burke Site 12 noon Agenda - PDF
May 22, 2024 Board of Directors Columbia Center 12 noon  
June 26, 2024 Board of Directors Augusta Site 12 noon  
August 21, 2024 Board of Directors Augusta Site 12 noon  
September 25, 2024 Board of Directors McDuffie Site 12 noon  
October 2024 Committee Meetings TBD TBD  
November 20, 2024 Board of Directors Georgia Cyber Center 12 noon  
December 18, 2024 Board of Directors & Foundation Trustees Joint Meeting TBD 12 noon  

NOTE: Dates subject to change. (2024 Board Calendar - PDF)

Ms. Wanda Gothie, Local Board Liaison
Executive Assistant to the President
Phone: 706.771.4005


APPEARANCE BEFORE THE LOCAL BOARD: 希望出席地方委员会会议的个人或团体必须在会议前至少十(10)天以书面形式向主席提出请求.